Sony DAV-TZ140 5.1ch System with DVD player
Sony DAV-TZ140 5.1ch System with DVD player

Sony DAV-TZ140 5.1ch System with DVD player

Price: 13,000 - 13,000
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01674801833

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সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

KBM Computer Motijheel Dhaka Bangladesh 2 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

Sony DAV-TZ140 5.1ch System with DVD player. Experience great movie entertainment with Sony's compact 5.1ch home theater system with DVD and USB compatibility.

  • Monolithic-Design 5.1-ch System with DVD Player
  • HDMI Output (Upscale 1080p for DVD)
  • Easy remote for access to functions
  • USB Play
  • BRAVIA Sync

The 5.1 speaker system provides clear, detailed audio with Dolby Digital and Prologic decoding to deliver a theatrical experience in the comfort of your own home. The system even has a USB port so you can load media from a USB device. Plug in your laptop or transfer to a memory stick for fast access to your film library.

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